Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day +61

Things are going well, although I'm still in the hospital with tomorrow as the planned discharge date. My neutrophil count finally bumped up yesterday, and they started me on oral antibiotics to continue fighting the pneumonia when I head home. I've been feeling really well the last few days, although I have a frequent cough. I know its good for me to be coughing right now to loosen things up in my chest, but its a pain to go through more than a box of tissues a day. Its bearable during the day, but only really gets annoying when its time to sleep. When I come back to the hospital for my outpatient visit on Thursday, I'll have another CT scan for them to check the progress of the pneumonia. Other than that the doctors have been very positive about how I am progressing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I thought you might find the website www.lymphomas.org.uk useful. They have a message board and chatroom where you can speak to others who have been affected by lymphoma.