Friday, November 21, 2008

Transfusion Tomorrow

This was a quick week at work. It was fast paced and busy, which is always a nice feeling. I've felt like I've had a lot of energy, but I just got a call that my hemoglobin level is 7.9. Usually when my hemoglobin level has been that low I've felt either short of breath or had headaches, so I'm a bit surprised its that low. So it looks like I'll head into NIH tommorow for another transfusion. This is the third straight cycle of EPOCH-CR that I'll get a blood transfusion because of my red blood counts, so it is expected and pretty routine.
It might seem like a drain to spend a Saturday afternoon in the hospital, but its definitely best for me. I've been debating what I should do tommorow, and the options probably wouldn't have been the safest for a neutropenic chemo patient. Tommorow is Catholic's last football game of the year, and I would love to be out there watching them. Unfortunately with highs not expected to get out of the 30's, this would have been a poor choice. This weekend is also the beginning of Thanksgiving week which means Mary, Mya, and Reed will be coming up from Florida. Since Mary and Kate are planning on having a fun day on their own tommorow, I could spend a lot of time with my lil relatives. Unfortunately Isaiah visited the doctor today and was put on antibiotics. So while playing with the lil ones sounds like a fun time, being around my sick kid and a couple of more toddlers probably wouldn't be great either. So I guess I'll just suck it up tomorrow, grab a book, and stay out of harm's way.

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