Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 5 Round 4...or 10

Today is day 5 of my current round of chemotherapy, which means I had my PICC line taken out. So I am done with the infusions for a couple of weeks and happy about that. I am feeling pretty good right now, but the exhaustion of repeated rounds of chemotherapy is catching up with me a bit. It also didn't help my sleep that Isaiah has had a cough this past week and has been having trouble sleeping at night. In order to keep myself free from his potential illness, it might mean a couple of more nights on the pull out sofa. Its kind of odd how a simple cold forces me to change how I interact with my family. Oh well...just another small obstacale in the journey.
I just took a look back at the dates, and I started my first round of EPOCH-R on September 28, 2007. So in a year and a week I have been through 10 rounds of chemotherapy. Its been pretty intense, and unfortunately I still have a ways to go. I feel like a pro when it comes to my type of chemotherapy, and that won't be the hard part. The upcoming bone marrow transplant will effect me in ways in which I can't predict, but the lead doctor on the transplant team believes about a year's time should be what to expect in terms of getting back to full activities. So if all goes according to plan, then this trial I've had with cancer will have lasted over two by the time its over. I don't know what to think of that, but its a pretty long block of time. I had a great time during my remission from February to July, so I can't wait to get back to complete health for the rest of my life. Guess its time to stay focused on getting through this one day at a time!

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