Monday, February 9, 2009

Day +53

This was an excellent weekend that just ended. We finally had back to back days of comfortable temperatures and clear skies, and we definitely took advantage of that. Yesterday my parents visited and brought a gift for Isaiah, who turns 3 this week. Isaiah opened up a big box, and inside was a new bike with training wheels. Isaiah was excited to get on his bike, and was a little disappointed that he wasn't able to ride as far as my parents and I were. This was my first time on the bike in a long time, and it felt good. I got in a few miles, and worked hard enough to create a little burn in my legs. I was a little stiff this morning from moving muscles I haven't used in months, but it felt great to be able to get out outside and exercise normally.

So if I were to judge my health by how my weekend went, I'd say I am doing very well. My energy level is good and I haven't had any issues since I was discharged from my recent inpatient stay last week. Kate drove me over to the hospital this morning, and most things checked out alright. My lab reports were good, except my white counts and neutrophils seem to have dropped a little more than they expected. My neutrophil count was abnormally high because of the neupogen shots I had while I was inpatient. Without those injections, the counts will drop until they find a level that is stable. The doctor today said he anticipated they would drop to 1500 to 2000. When the results came back they were at 900. So the neutrophils are lower than they expected, which was the issue several weeks ago before I had the fever and go inpatient. However, they are not so low that there will be any change in my treatment right now. When I visit the clinic on Thursday, they may put me back on the neupogen again if the counts continue to fall.

Thursday is another big day for my family, since I'll be having a PET Scan that morning. The results of the PET Scan 1 month after the transplant were very good. Hopefully the new immune system has continued to fight the cancer in my body, and this scan will show even better results. Since I am progressing so well, I have a feeling that this scan will show us some more great things. So any prayers for a positive PET Scan result and further healing would be very much appreciated.

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