Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day +161

I had a two week break from my regular Thursday appointments but I was back at NIH today. I'm not feeling bad, but I wouldn't say I'm doing great the last few days either. The skin GVHD doesn't bother me, and most of my mouth feels better than before. However, I have had a lot of discomfort swallowing, and it definitely makes eating a chore rather than something to be enjoyed. When I weighed in today I had lost five pounds since my weight was last measured three weeks ago. I guess that confirms that the GVHD is affecting how much I eat.

In addition to those two GVHD issues, over the last couple of days I've dealt with some gas, constipation, and other below the belt issues that I'm not certain everybody wants to hear the details about. This might mean a more systemic approach to treating my GVHD is in my future, which of course would reduce the Graft Versus Tumor effect that we want to continue. The doctors still want to treat my GVHD symptoms topically, but I don't know when they would make the decision to change the course of treatment.

So with my swallowing issues I was sent to the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. After going over all of my issues again, the doc numbed my nose and throat and stuck the thin camera up my nose and down to look at my throat. She commented that my throat looked better than my mouth and that she didn't see any signs of infection. However, she explained that the mouth and the throat are pretty much the same system, but just at different stages. Since the GVHD in my mouth is so severe. it wouldn't surprise her if it gets worse in my throat. GREAT! So she stated what I've been told before, to keep a very bland diet. Room temperature...nothing acidic, nothing carbonated, nothing spicy. Basically...not much fun for somebody who loves food like I do.

So next week I'll head into NIH on Tuesday to meet with a nurse practicioner who works closely with those who have GVHD. I'll probably work a dermatology appointment that day before coming back to have a dental appointment on Thursday. I got a good break from NIH with the Wisconsin trip, but the GVHD is forcing me to stay close to NIH. Its definitely annoying to continue having medical issues, but GVHD is temporary and also a whole lot better than cancer. I'm not always comfortable but I'm in good spirits.

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