Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day +15

Another day at the hospital and another day without much to report. My white blood cell counts are pretty much holding steady. They seem to be improving slightly each day, but the progress isn't quick like it was a week ago. The doctors remain positive about my progress, and there aren't any new issues coming up.

I had a new nurse today and she came in at one point and said, "I heard that you were going home tommorow." I explained that I had heard that too at one point, but that the doctor had told me there was no set date for discharge. Later she came in and told me one of the research nurses, who don't usually spend time on the ward, called and asked if I was being released tommorow. So this rumor of being sent home is making its way around the hospital, but I just haven't gotten any confirmation of this from any doctor.

Thats all I have for an update. There really isn't much going on. I'm feeling pretty decent, but tired for most of the day. If I don't get the ok to head home tommorow, hopefully I'll at least get a date to look forward to.

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