Friday, January 16, 2009

Day +30

The big event yesterday was my PET scan, and there is excellent news to report from that. My doctor was able to tell us yesterday that the PET showed that half of the lesions that were present in December are no longer visible on the PET scan. With the lesions that do remain, their intensity on the PET went from a range of 10-20, but were down to no more than 6 yesterday. So while I haven't achieved complete remission of my cancer, there was significant reduction in cancer activity. That is especially great news considering the PET scan in December was showing a slight uptake in disease.

The decrease in tumor cells means that no changes in my treatment plan are needed right now. I can continue like I was before with my recovery from the bone marrow transplant, and just focus on staying healthy. Another PET scan will be done in about a month to continue montitoring the disease.

In addition to the PET scan, I got a good report from my doctor during my weekly checkup. There aren't any other problems going on now, and the whole transplant team appears to be very positive about my response. The doctor shared that the results of my chimerism test from day +14 showed that 97% of my lymph cells were donor cells. He said that was an excellent result for so early. I had blood drawn on Wednesday to test for chimerism again, so hopefully those results will be even better by now. I also had a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday, and they will check what percentage of my marrow is from the donor as well. Those results will probably be available in a week.

So as things stand today, everything is excellent. The disease made a turn in the right direction, and I am physically feeling great as well. On now to a likely boring weekend, and continued progress towards good health.

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