Saturday, August 23, 2008

Feeling Better

FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2008 11:02 PM, CDT
Today was a very good day. Unfortunately Isaiah woke up at 7 and instead of playing quietly in his room, he decided to make a lot of noise and force me up. So I was up much earlier than I have been used to lately. However, I felt great all day and didn't need a nap to get through it. Thats the first time in weeks I've been able to go through a day without passing out once or twice. So I had a great day spending time with Isaiah and Kate.
After my blood tests from Monday revealed my white blood cell count was down to 800, I received a call that my blood count yesterday was at 7800. I needed a blood count of over 5000 in order to stop my neupogen shots, so it is great that I rebounded that much. I think my renewed energy is a sign of that.
I also got a call from the doctor who leads my research team. It was interesting that I talked to him, because its usually a nurse who makes calls. He passed on that the search for bone marrow donors was complete. His words were that there were a lot of potential donors, and it was highly likely that they would find a match. So thats great news. It was expected, but it was great to hear nevertheless.
There have been a lot of people, whether through my wife, my parents, or I, who have expressed an interest in becoming a bone marrow donor. I would hope that anybody who had that urge would follow through with that. It appears that I will be blessed enough to have a donor match, but it would be amazing if more people could make themselves eligible as donors so that other people who find themselves in a similar situation as mine will have better opportunities.

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