Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Round of Chemotherapy Done

THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2008 12:13 AM, CDT
Well today is day 21 of this most recent round of chemo. School for DC starts next week, and Tuesday was the first day of work for teachers in DC. I was able to work the last two days because I have been feeling very good since Thursday. I haven't needed naps to get through the day, and I've truly felt as good as ever. Work the past two days involved all day professional development, which isn't a bad thing. I was happy to see some of my colleagues and get back into the mindset of work, although it is frustrating to know that I'll likely be missing so much time in the next few months.
Tommorow will probably start day 1 of round 2 assuming things have gone well. I'll start tommorow off with a Pet Scan in the late morning. I had a Pet Scan less than a month ago, and its rare for Pet Scans to be used so close together. Hopefully it will give results that show the tumor is shrinking. This is what I expect, but we've been disappointed by expectations in terms of my health in the last month.
In addition to meeting with my research team tommorow, I'm hoping to meet with the transplant team in order to start hearing a bit more about what the transplant process will be like. This is the part of my treatment that is most likely to cause me anxiety, so I'm eager to start finding out more about it.
Following the meetings with the doctors I'll likely get the PICC line placed in my arm before getting admitted for the overnight Campath infusion. Hopefully they will be able to get started earlier than 1 AM this round, so I can get out of the hospital quickly Friday morning. to kill some more cancer tommorow. As always...the prayers and thoughts from everybody is appreciated.

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