Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day +10

Day +10 is almost over and things are still looking positive. My neutrophil count made a huge jump to .484, so its starting to look like I have some semblance of an immune system. When the doctors came on rounds today, they didn't feel there was anything going on that was a problem, and that "I'm on their good list." I'll take that.

Unfortunately the morning was somewhat chaotic. I slept very poorly last night because of the continuing bladder issue. Its hard to get a good rest when you are up once or twice an hour. So about 8:00 in the morning I finally had settled into a restful state, when blood started gushing out of my nose. My whole life I've been a nose bleeder, and most of this week I've had dried blood in my nose rather than mucus. I must have done something to clear the airway, and there was fresh blood all over the sheet and pillows.

Since I've dealt with bloody noses most of my life, I tried to stop the bleeding the way I normally do. However, my techniques didn't work quickly with my low platelet count. When the nurse came in she got me a bag of ice and cleaned up after me so I could rest and try to stop the bleeding. I wasn't supposed to get platelets today, but because of the bleeding they ordered them right then.

So while I am getting the platelets my nurse takes my vital signs, which includes taking my blood pressure. She said she was going to be back in 10 minutes and asked if I was fine leaving the blood pressure cuff on. I said yes...thinking what would be the problem with that. The problem arose when my bladder started yelling at me to empty. I got the cuff off of my arm with no problem. Then I got my backpack that carries my ambulatory pump for the Tacrolimus. I struggle out of bed, and since I'm still receiving platelets I need to roll the IV pole into the bathroom with me as well. Ok...still feeling alright. However, the cord for the blood pressure machine is plugged in and pulled tight in front of the bathroom door. I go to reach for the plug, but my Tacrolimus line is caught on the bedframe. Now I'm feeling anxious. I get the line unstuck, unplug the blood pressure machine, and try to pull the IV pole into the bathroom. The good news is that I got to the bathroom before urinating. The bad news is that I didn't quite make it to the urinal. So I clean myself up and my nurse comes in. I explain what happened with the bathroom, and like a true professional she takes it all in stride.

I guess the message of the day is to give a ton of respect to nurses. They put up with a lot of nasty stuff in hospitals, and don't get the credit they deserve.

After the bleeding and the bathroom debacles, the day went pretty smoothly. I had another great visit from my family, and am starting to get excited about going home. Hopefully within the week I'll be back in the real world.

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