Monday, December 15, 2008

Day -2

Today was one of my two days of rest before the transplant day. It might not have been extremely relaxing or restful, but it was easier than the other days. The Tacrolimus drug I am on is connected to a portable IV pump, so at 2:00 I was able to get off the IV pole and actually walk around a bit more freely. I have to get hooked back to the IV pole every once in a while for other drugs, but I now have slightly greater mobility.

Since I'm not receiving supplemental IV fluids right now, I'm also heading to the bathroom a lot less. Thats a very welcome change! Unfortunately my appetite still sucks. I get hungry, but as soon as food is in front of me I get a feeling like I need to walk away. Chicken noodle soup, yogurt, and ice pops are the only thing that I consistently seem to be eating. Its calories...but I really wouldn't call it eating.

Father Bob from Catholic called me today and he always seems shocked at how positive I am. Well Father...what else would you have me do? Its also easy to stay positive knowing that in addition to my family, I have a lot of people supporting us and praying for us. For anybody reading this from the email that Father Bob helped organize and send out...Kate and I are extremely thankful for your help and prayers. And for everybody who reads...I frequently look at the guestbook messages you write. I'm appreciative of everybody's prayers and support and please keep it coming.

Alright...time to fight insomnia and try to get to sleep. I need to enjoy tommorow, since it will be my last full day with my own immune system in place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoy your last day with your own immune system john. I hope they prescribe a red meat and beer diet for you soon.