Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day +2

Today was day +2 after transplant, and thankfully I didn't have any vomiting or nausea. Thats something to be thankful for. Unfortunately a few other minor nuisances crept up. Diarhea continues to be a problem, a headache developed during the middle of the day, and I'm waiting for a doctor to come prescribe me medicine for what might be a urinary tract infection. My body isn't failing me, but these issues let me know that it is still weak at this time.

The headache is a sharp persistant pain in the top and back of my head. I was given oxycodone for it, which seemed to help but not completely alleviate the headache. I've been having trouble trying to sleep and took another dose of oxycodone to try and ease the pain enough to sleep. I think the headache is being caused by the Tacrolimus. One of its listed side effects is headache, and I haven't felt any the previous 4 days I have been on it. However the doctors let me know that my tacrolimus level is at 16, when they want it to be between 5 and 10. The elevated levels in my system are probably whats causing this. I have been off of the tacrolimus since the afternoon and won't get back on it until the morning. Hopefully the headache eases up before then.

On the home front, Kate took Isaiah to the Doctor, who suspects he has strep throat. He is now on antibiotics for that, but probably won't make it to the hospital to visit for a few days. Its hard not to see Isaiah and Kate because of that, but luckily for us one of the research nurses at NIH lent us a webcam of hers when she heard my family mention that we were looking into that. So despite having to stay at home, Isaiah and Kate were able to visit with me on the webcam a couple of times today.

Well other than what I've mentioned, there was a lot of waiting around today. My white blood counts are still dropping, making me more at risk of infection. Although the doctors seem to be pleased with the progress I'm making, so I'm still up beat.

1 comment:

sue said...

Pat and I were sorry to hear that you have had some expected, although bothersome effects to your treatment. Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We have run into so many people who have asked how you are doing and also ask we let you know they are continuing to uphold you in their prayers.
Blessings be with you,