Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day +1

Today is day +1 in my transplant calendar. It feels nice to be on the positive side and moving forward. The day started out alright compared to the last few days. I was able to eat some food in the morning without throwing up or getting nauseous. That lasted all day without much going on. I received Methotrexate for the 1st time, which is an anti-cancer drug which is being used to help suppress my immune system while the new cells engraft in my body. I got this through IV and it last about 15 minutes. That was the only time I had to be hooked up to the IV pole, with just my 24 hour Tacrolimus infusion working off of the portable pump. So to kill time I spent a few hours playing RACKO with my mom, followed by a good visit from our friend Cailin. That brought me to dinner time, where I courageously ate what was in front of me and felt no problems. About a half hour later a nurse gave me my evening pills, and after a hiccup and a cough, I threw up the pills and everything I had just eaten for dinner. That was disappointing. I felt like I had gotten through the whole day without any nausea, but it got me right as the day was winding down. OH well...I felt fine after that, and welcomed a visit from Kate's cousin Sean. He wanted to dress up in the yellow coats reserved for patients with contact restrictions, but the nurses yanked the coat off of him. He brought some DVDs that will surely help to spell the boredom of a prolonged hospital stay. All around it wasn't a bad day. The doctors gave nothing but good reports on my progress, so there is nothing to worry about for the time being. Heres to a boring yet vomit free day tommorow!

1 comment:

Sheelagh said...

Hello John. I am a 60 year old woman newly diagnosed with Small Lymphcytic Lymphoma, and I have already had two cycles of Fludara with Rituxan. I read your blog everytime I sign into my own to update it, and I just wanted you to know that your story is reaching a wider world than your family and friends. I applaud your courage and appreciate the detail with which you are letting us all know how each day is going. I wish you all the best in this fight.