Friday, December 5, 2008

Transplant Still On

I had a CT scan this morning and met with the transplant doctor afterwards. The results of the CT were fairly positive after hearing what we did yesterday. There are three lesions of residual cancer that the doctors are following. From the CT scan today they observed that two of the lesions have held steady in size since the last PET scan in October, and that the third has grown by about 10%. Its obviously not great news that one of them has decided to regrow, and that further shrinkage didn't occur with the others. However, the 10% growth will not keep me from proceeding with the bone marrow transplant. So I am still on schedule to be admitted next week and have the transplant mid December.

Its a bit frustrating to me, because the prognosis for success with the transplant decreases with these results. If I had been in remission, I would have been lableled as having excellent chemo-sensitivity. With the regrowth, my chemo-sensitivity is only borderline. While the impression I was given before this news was that the bone marrow transplant would help guarantee a cure, now its not looked at in that way. It will hopefully still be a positive to get the new immune system, but I'll probably need some other type of treatment in the future as well. Oh well.

At least the plans that were made for the transplant aren't taken away, and I know what I'll be facing in the near future. This is another reminder that no person is in control on this journey, and I just have to do my best to enjoy the ride.

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