Friday, December 12, 2008

Day -5

Today was an easier day than yesterday. I received the chemotherapy exactly like yesterday, but there was a lot less going on without having a transfusion or extra magnesium and potasium put into my system. I was able to move around a bit and felt pretty good.

The doctors said my white blood cells actually went up a bit overnight, which I attribute to the blood transfusion. Decreasing the white blood cells is one of the main points of this pre-transplant chemo regimen. However, it takes a little more time for those to drop, so the doctors weren't worried. Everything seems to be going ok with the process for now.

However, there was one little accident today. As I was heading into the bathroom, I hear something hit the floor. I looked down and saw my IV was on the ground, and there was blood dripping on the ground. I had a quick "What the hell?" type of thought, before realizing that the blood was coming out of one of the three exterior tubes from my Hickman line.

My mother was in the room at the time, and I asked her to get the nurse. She came quickly towards the bathroom, and I had to tell my mom not to come near me but get the nurse. Luckily there was a nurse right outside of the room who was able to help me stop the blood from dripping and get everything back to normal. It wasn't that big of a deal overall, but it was kind of crazy for a moment to see blood quickly gathering on the floor and not knowing what was going on. That little ordeal helped to break the monotony of the day up. Nothing else new to report...still on track and staying focused on what lies ahead.

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